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  • 【唐诗英文版朗诵】唐诗英文版简单诗歌6篇

  • 来源:科普读物
  • 时间:2023-02-15 16:38:12
  • 移动端:【唐诗英文版朗诵】唐诗英文版简单诗歌6篇
  • 唐诗泛指创作于唐代的诗,也可以引申指以唐朝风格创作的诗,上承魏晋南朝诗,下开宋诗。贴心网为朋友们整理了6篇唐诗英文版简单诗歌,希望可以启发、帮助到大朋友、小朋友们。

    唐诗英文翻译诗歌 篇一



    永日方戚戚, 出行复悠悠。

    女子今有行, 大江溯轻舟。

    尔辈苦无恃, 抚念益慈柔。

    幼为长所育, 两别泣不休。

    对此结中肠, 义往难复留。

    自小阙内训, 事姑贻我忧。

    赖兹托令门, 仁恤庶无尤。

    贫俭诚所尚, 资从岂待周。

    孝恭遵妇道, 容止顺其猷。

    别离在今晨, 见尔当何秋。

    居闲始自遣, 临感忽难收。

    归来视幼女, 零泪缘缨流。

    to my daughter on her marriage into the yang family

    wei yingwu

    my heart has been heavy all day long

    because you have so far to go.

    the marriage of a girl, away from her parents,

    is the launching of a little boat on a great river.

    …you were very young when your mother died,

    which made me the more tender of you.

    your elder sister has looked out for you,

    and now you are both crying and cannot part.

    this makes my grief the harder to bear;

    yet it is right that you should go.

    …having had from childhood no mother to guide you,

    how will you honour your mother-in-law?

    it's an excellent family; they will be kind to you,

    they will forgive you your mistakes --

    although ours has been so pure and poor

    that you can take them no great dowry.

    be gentle and respectful, as a woman should be,

    careful of word and look, observant of good example.

    …after this morning we separate,

    there's no knowing for how long…。

    i always try to hide my feelings --

    they are suddenly too much for me,

    when i turn and see my younger daughter

    with the tears running down her cheek.

    唐诗英文翻译诗歌 篇二



    客从东方来, 衣上灞陵雨。

    问客何为来, 采山因买斧。

    冥冥花正开, 扬扬燕新乳。

    昨别今已春, 鬓丝生几缕。

    on meeting my friend feng zhu in the capital

    wei yingwu

    out of the east you visit me,

    with the rain of baling still on your clothes,

    i ask you what you have come here for;

    you say: "to buy an ax for cutting wood in the mountains"

    …hidden deep in a haze of blossom,

    swallow fledglings chirp at ease

    as they did when we parted, a year ago…。

    how grey our temples have grown since them!

    唐诗英文诗歌 篇三



    塔势如涌出, 孤高耸天宫。

    登临出世界, 磴道盘虚空。

    突兀压神州, 峥嵘如鬼工。

    四角碍白日, 七层摩苍穹。

    下窥指高鸟, 俯听闻惊风。

    连山若波涛, 奔凑如朝东。

    青槐夹驰道, 宫馆何玲珑。

    秋色从西来, 苍然满关中。

    五陵北原上, 万古青蒙蒙。

    净理了可悟, 胜因夙所宗。

    誓将挂冠去, 觉道资无穷。

    ascending the pagoda at the temple of kind

    favour with gao shi and xue ju

    cen can

    the pagoda, rising abruptly from earth,

    reaches to the very palace of heaven…。

    climbing, we seem to have left the world behind us,

    with the steps we look down on hung from space.

    it overtops a holy land

    and can only have been built by toil of the spirit.

    its four sides darken the bright sun,

    its seven stories cut the grey clouds;

    birds fly down beyond our sight,

    and the rapid wind below our hearing;

    mountain-ranges, toward the east,

    appear to be curving and flowing like rivers;

    far green locust-trees line broad roads

    toward clustered palaces and mansions;

    colours of autumn, out of the west,

    enter advancing through the city;

    and northward there lie, in five graveyards,

    calm forever under dewy green grass,

    those who know life's final meaning

    which all humankind must learn.

    …henceforth i put my official hat aside.

    to find the eternal way is the only happiness.

    唐诗英文翻译诗歌 篇四



    月黑雁飞高, 单于夜遁逃。

    欲将轻骑逐, 大雪满弓刀。

    border-songs iii

    lu lun

    high in the faint moonlight, wildgeese are soaring.

    tartar chieftains are fleeing through the dark --

    and we chase them, with horses lightly burdened

    and a burden of snow on our bows and our swords.

    唐诗英文版 篇五



    高卧南斋时, 开帷月初吐。

    清辉淡水木, 演漾在窗户。

    苒苒几盈虚? 澄澄变今古。

    美人清江畔, 是夜越吟苦。

    千里其如何? 微风吹兰杜。

    with my brother at the south study

    thinking in the moonlight of vice-prefect cui in shanyin

    wang changling

    lying on a high seat in the south study,

    we have lifted the curtain-and we see the rising moon

    brighten with pure light the water and the grove

    and flow like a wave on our window and our door.

    it will move through the cycle, full moon and then crescent again,

    calmly, beyond our wisdom, altering new to old.

    …our chosen one, our friend, is now by a limpid river --

    singing, perhaps, a plaintive eastern song.

    he is far, far away from us, three hundred miles away.

    and yet a breath of orchids comes along the wind.

    唐诗英文版 篇六



    明月出天山, 苍茫云海间。

    长风几万里, 吹度玉门关。

    汉下白登道, 胡窥青海湾。

    由来征战地, 不见有人还。

    戍客望边色, 思归多苦颜。

    高楼当此夜, 叹息未应闲。

    the moon at the fortified pass

    li bai

    the bright moon lifts from the mountain of heaven

    in an infinite haze of cloud and sea,

    and the wind, that has come a thousand miles,

    beats at the jade pass battlements.。.。

    china marches its men down baideng road

    while tartar troops peer across blue waters of the bay.。.。

    and since not one battle famous in history

    sent all its fighters back again,

    the soldiers turn round, looking toward the border,

    and think of home, with wistful eyes,

    and of those tonight in the upper chambers

    who toss and sigh and cannot rest.

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