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  • 大学英语六级作文万能模板|大学英语六级作文【4篇】


    大学英语六级作文 篇一

    In recent years, Sinology, the study of Chinese traditional culture, literature, history, society etc, has become increasingly popular For instance, it is reported that many primary and secondary schools have set up courses of sinology, in which students are taught classical works by Chinese ancient educators and philosophers, like Confucius- Another good illustration is in the program CCTV Lecture Room famous scholars, e.g, Yu Dan, give lectures on Chinese ancient philosophies and literatures.

    Sinology becomes prevalent due to the fact that it is of vital significance for both the individuals and the society. For one thing, Sinology is the essence of Chinese civilization with more than 5,000 years. Thus, for individuals, they can enlarge their scope of knowledge, enrich their experience and adapt themselves to the complicated society. For another, it is acknowledged that the rehabilitation of Sinology can contribute to the establishment of a harmonious society.

    In my opinion, all Chinese people should inherit the merits of Sinology. To do so, we can read books by ourselves or to attend lectures on this issue. Besides, we have the gation to popularize introducing it to the world By doing so, we can not only inherit it but also make it glorious and prosperous.

    大学英语六级作文 篇二

    cet6六级级作文范文:how important is money ?金钱有多重要?

    no one would argue , i think , that money is unimpor tant 。 there a re ce rtain things that human beings need — food , shelter , medical care and these things cost money 。 but if one has enough money to live on , to pay for the basic essentials of life , is it impor tant to have a lot more money than that ?will your life improve in propor tion to the amount of money that you have ?

    well , there is no denying that money can buy a lot 。 maybe you do not need much money to pay for a simple shelter , but how about if you want a nice big apar tment in a nice neighbourhood , or if you want to buy a house ? in fact , people do get on each other’s ne rves if they are crowded together in a small kitchen , if a mar ried couple cannot but sha re a room with their parents , if childr en ar e not allowed to have a little privacy of their own 。

    mor eove r , it is nice to get a little pleasur e out of life, a little fun from time to time 。 unfor tunately , many of the fun things that you can do today cost money 。 in modern cities , for example , on any night , outstanding performers appear in night clu bs and on concer t stages 。 fur thermore , you can dine on foods f rom eve ry corne r of the wor ld in the restaur ants 。 so how can it be that many people in mode rn cities do not have fun ? simple, they do not have the money to take advantage of all these att ractions 。

    so , is money the road to happiness ? not r eally 。 la rge numbers of people work eve ry day , work over time, work weekends , and make a lot of money 。 are they happy ? no 。 they have no time to form or maintain friendship , no time to enjoy themselves 。

    sur ely everyone has thought at times ,“if only i had a lot of money , i would be the happiest person in the wor ld 。”but it is impor tant to r emember that money is only a means to an end , not the end itself 。


    · int roduction

    x money is impor tant

    x is it import ant to have a lot more money ?

    · with money we can do a lot of things which can’t be

    done without money , e 。g 。

    · is money the road to happiness ?

    · money — a means to an end , not the end itself



    本文是一篇议论文, 全文围绕“money is not everything ,but everything needs money”展开。作者的论点体现在“money is only a means to an end , not the end itself 。”最后一句中。本文篇幅较长, 但思路并不复杂, 例证均邻近生活实际, 因此并不难写。这样的议论文适合于六级和考研水平。



    shelt er n 。 住所

    medical car e 医疗

    essentials of life 生活必需品

    in propor tion to 成正比

    get on each other’s nerves 大家都很伤脑筋

    privacy n 。 隐私

    pe rformer n 。 演员

    how can it be that 。 。 。 ? 怎么能行呢?

    take advantage of all these at tr action s 利用这一切可享受的东西

    work ove rtime 加班

    a mean s to an end , not the end itself 达到目的手段而本身并不是目的

    级英语作文 篇三

    Write down your final exam's Resolution.

    since i keep on procrastinating, i must get myself adhere to some sort of schedule to force myself committed to it.

    sleeping hours, let's make it less than six. anw i dun need that much of sleep to stay awake in the day. i will be working from eight to two in the morning everyday. if i dun have to wake up early for lesson, i should sleep at nine. i prefer to sleep more in the morning.after my tuition is done, i should be able to commit fully to prepare for my exam.i really hope my student will get A for his maths!!

    then i should only clear one subject at a time. four more weeks left to my exam. but five modules to clear!! marketing have serious problems. my tx bk is totally new. erm, for stats, better start to practise. biz law, starts to draw mindmap. for macro, have to be very familiar to all the concepts and graphs.

    大学英语六级作文 篇四



    Nowadays, there are more and more [某种现象] in [某种场合]。 It is estimated that [相关数据]。 Why have there been so many [某种现象]? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is [原因一]。 Besides, [原因二]。 The third one is [原因三]。 To sum up, the main cause of [某种现象] is due to [最主要原因]。 It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, [解决办法一]。 On the other hand, [解决办法二]。 All these measures will certainly reduce the number of [某种现象]。

    为便于读者理解,我特意用这个模板,写了一篇关于ghost writer(捉刀代笔的枪手)的示范性小作文,请您观摩一下。

    Nowadays, there are more and more [ghost writers / 枪手] in [China""s examinations / 中国的考场]。 It is estimated that [5% examinees are ghost writers / 5%的应试者是枪手]。 Why have there been so many [ghost writers / 枪手]? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is [hirers"" ignorance / 雇主无知]。 Besides, [hirers"" indolence / 雇主懒惰]。 The third one is [hirers"" obtusity / 雇主迟钝]。 To sum up, the main cause of [ghost writers / 枪手] is due to [hirers"" low IQ / 雇主智商低]。 It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, [flagellation / 鞭打]。 On the other hand, [decapitation / 斩首]。 All these measures will certainly reduce the number of [ghost writers / 枪手]。

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